9 Tips To Control Your Anxiety Right Now

Are you experiencing severe anxiety? It might be difficult to know how to control your anxiety, regardless of whether recent life changes are to blame or if you’ve been dealing with it for some time. You can get started with these nine suggestions.

#ToHelpMyAnxiety is a harsh tag used, by the Mental Health Foundation Mental, to highlight Health Awareness Week happens every year, and it’s the biggest opportunity for the whole of the UK to come together to focus on getting good mental health. The week aims to tackle stigma and help people understand and prioritise their and others’ mental health. This years theme is what you can do to prevent or control your anxiety.

1. Identify Your Triggers And Avoid Them

Identifying your triggers and creating a workable plan for avoiding them is one of the most crucial things you can do to reduce and control your anxiety.

For instance, if you are aware that viewing the news makes you anxious, watch something fun instead, like a comedy.

Try to avoid going to areas with lots of people if you get uneasy in crowds. And if you have trouble adjusting to change, make an effort to establish routine and structure in your life.

Remember that it’s okay to say no to requests that are detrimental to your mental health.

2. Getting Enough Sleep Will Help Control Your Anxiety

When anxiety hits, it can seem as though everything is whirling out of control. Your mind wanders, your heart races, and it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. It could seem counterproductive to take a nap during times like these. But getting enough sleep can help you control your anxiety.

Anxiety and stress levels are significantly influenced by sleep deprivation. Your body and mind can be reset by taking a quick nap, which will also provide you the energy you need to face the rest of the day.

Just remember to avoid taking long naps because they can make you feel groggy and disoriented. If your worry keeps you up at night, think about consulting a qualified therapist or healthcare provider about stress management techniques so you can get the rest you require.

3. Allow The Sun To Shine

One of the greatest and most organic treatments for anxiety is sunshine. Spending even a brief period of time in the sun can improve your mood and reduce stress.

Try spending some time outside in the sunshine if you’re feeling worried. Take a stroll in the park, sit on a seat, or stand outside in the sunshine while taking deep breaths.

You’ll also benefit from better mental health because vitamin D from the sun can help battle depression as well as control your anxiety.

4. Eat A Nutritious Meal

It can be tempting to seek for unhealthy comfort foods when you’re nervous. However, overindulging in fatty or sugary foods can eventually make anxiety worse. Instead, try indulging in a nutritious meal to enhance your mood and relax your anxiety.

A few different kinds of meals can help you feel less anxious. Whole grains and other complex carbs can help stabilise blood sugar levels, which can lessen the severity of symptoms of anxiety including irritability and excessive worrying.

Magnesium-rich almonds and dark leafy greens are two other foods that are great for soothing the nervous system.

Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and oily salmon all contain omega-3 fatty acids that can lower inflammation and enhance cognitive performance.

5. Deep Breathing Exercises To Practise

Your body may enter the fight-or-flight state while you’re feeling anxious. When you are in a fight or flight response, your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate all increase. When you’re just trying to get through a meeting or handle a hectic day at work, this response is less than ideal even if it might be helpful in perilous situations.

Deep breathing can help with that. By taking calm, deep breaths, you can cause your body to relax. Your pulse rate, blood pressure, and overall sense of calm are all reduced by controlled breathing. Deep breathing exercises are simple to perform anywhere and might be an effective strategy to control you anxiety right now.

6. Fill Out A Journal With Your Thoughts And Feelings

Clearing your mind and gaining new insight can both be achieved by journaling your thoughts.

Putting your worry into words might aid in understanding it and allowing you to view it from a different perspective. It may also aid in the discharge of some of the emotions that have been suppressed and are causing your worry.

Try to concentrate on what is generating your worry as you write and what you can do to deal with it. Try spending a few minutes brainstorming before you start writing if you’re unsure of where to start.

You could find that your nervousness begins to subside as you get into the soothing writing flow. Writing in a journal can be a good approach to control your anxiety or managing you stress both immediately and over time.

7. Take Up Exercise

It can be tempting to ball up and try to hide from the world when worry strikes. However, did you know that using exercise as a method to manage anxiety can be beneficial?

Exercise can help you get your heart rate up and release endorphins, which can help control your anxiety. Jump jacks, push-ups, running in place, or brisk walking are all good exercises.

8. Get In Touch With Loved Ones

Reaching out to loved ones can be useful when you’re feeling worried. Speaking with a loved one might give you a sense of support and comprehension.

It’s fine if you don’t feel like speaking. Even being around loved ones might reduce or control your anxiety. Being around people you care about, whether you’re watching a movie, taking a walk, or sharing a meal, can have a significant impact.

9. Creating Something Original Can Help Control Your Anxiety

An excellent method to calm down can be to lose yourself in a creative endeavour. Getting lost in a creative endeavour, such as writing, drawing, or any other form of art, can help you forget about your worries and reduce stress.


Although managing anxiety can be challenging, there are many things you can do to lessen your symptoms both immediately and over time. To help you control your anxiety and enhance your general wellbeing, try incorporating these techniques into your everyday routine.

Contact Us

Don’t struggle in silence. Get help to control your anxiety at BetterGen. Take the first step to improving your mental wellbeing. Make a no-obligation enquiry now.

NOTE: We do not provide emergency services. If you believe you are having an emergency, please contact your local medical or mental health care resources. If you are a therapy client, please contact your therapist directly using the contact information he/she has provided you.

About the author : Andrew Warren
